The Dream

I made this website to champion Wait…What? Whoa! ideas already out in the world and hopefully get people thinking about their own Wait…What? Whoa! concepts. However, that is just the first step. Hopefully, this website will become a landing site for the company Wait…What? Whoa! A place that helps brings people’s Wait…What? Whoa! concepts to life in whatever medium that looks like – books, albums, something that has yet to be thought of, while continuing to champion others. That being said, given my background, I’m going to focus initially on making a production company.

Christopher Miller,1  half the duo, who brought us 21 Jump Street, The Lego Movie, and Into the Spider-Verse, argues that with the invention of streamers, new releases are not just competing with each other, but rather everything that has ever been released. Why would someone watch a film inspired by When Harry Met Sally when they can watch When Harry Met Sally?  This is only going to be further amplified with the continued advancement of AI. Miller’s response to this is to make films that are wholly original and not focused on the algorithm aka weird. AI will be able to generate the stories that are based off of films already made, but it won’t be able to produce something new and original. That’s the job of a human.2

I argue, Wait…What? Whoa! films are the answer to the change of technological landscape of entertainment. Ideas that are not initially obvious to people are also ideas that AI cannot make. They likely don’t have comparable films that a person could watch on a streamer instead. If anything, they are comparable to an unlikely combination  of a few films.

As a production company. we would help find and produce films that have concepts and/or ways of being made that are Wait…What? Whoa! While there are a few concepts already brewing, I am spending my time building the skills, network, and experience to make this dream a reality. In the meantime, this is a space to get excited about other’s Wait…What? Whoa! projects!

If you have a Wait…What? Whoa! idea or you think a film you love is a Wait…What? Whoa! film, I’d love to hear about it.

1. Here’s an interview with Christopher Miller and Phil Lord discussing originality in connection with Into the Spider-Verse and current media landscape
2. At least for now